Saturday, June 1, 2013

God’s applause

It seemed like my girls and I had been on some kind of marathon traveling spree. One after the other, and with overlaps in between, we had found ourselves in one trip or the other to different countries. We had breathed a collective sigh of relief when the last of us finally touched-down back home, and the very next morning our collective plea was ‘When do we get to see?’ Yep! I had surely missed my crew and as surely they had missed me. You see, these are my sistas, my friends, prayer warriors, my accountability partners – each of us God-given midwives to the other on the pathways of our destinies. And yes, technology made it possible for us to stay as much in touch as we could, but as you well know… ‘Ain’t nothing like the real thing baby’.

As one by one, we walked into some new restaurant that we had scheduled to meet at I couldn’t help but be somewhat amused at this one group of people who apparently came in for a quiet business lunch and for whatever reason decided to take up the table beside us. On one hand, they were going to have to contend with a lot of laughter from six women who hadn’t seen each other in a bit; and on the other hand, they would have no choice but to hear the Word of God and share in our prayers together. Oh, but if only they had known, lol.

As always, we started our time together by running through the goings-on in our lives over the period since we last met; ultimately ending in prayer and thanksgiving. Everyone had some challenge to share yes, but even more overwhelming were the incredible testimonies from each of these precious women that I have been blessed to have in my life. My head was simply spinning in amazement at the awesomeness of God in each of their lives, so much so that when it came to my turn, I simply blanked out. I couldn’t think of anything to say. In my mind, all I saw was a huge neon sign blinking ‘Wow! Wow! Wow!’ over and over again. I made a comment about not having anything to say, only to have one of my Sistas raise an eyebrow and ask me ‘Really?’

No, not really! Of course I had so much to testify about. I testified about the many endless trips my husband has had to make in the past few weeks, through which God has granted him safe passage; I thanked God for my daughter who just turned thirteen and who is evolving into the most amazing young lady ever; I testified of my first son who made a perfect A-score in his school in Canada; about my second son who was just made a prefect in his school; about my last son who just brought in a gold medal for his school in a golfing tournament. I testified about the fact that the Lord was confirming His word and opening new ministry opportunities to me. I testified about the great things the Lord is doing in my businesses and the new opportunities and prospects He has been bringing our way. There was just so much to be grateful for and as I constantly maintain, the very fact that we have the breath of life in us is more than testimony enough on a good day.

When I was finally done, my Sista retorted ‘See?’ and we all laughed heartily. But here’s the thing…. I did see! I saw perfectly, but I know that she didn’t. I had some insight that my Sistas didn’t have and this informed my awe at the time. What I saw clearly was that God was moving in each of our lives in ways that lined up with what He had earlier spoken to me about His move for us all over the next season. One thing that He had said was that we would not need to strive to be distinguished, but that He would lift us up accordingly in His own way; that we would surely marvel at the new things He would do in our lives. As each of my Sistas spoke, all I could think was how evidently God’s word was unfolding.

The thing is sis, that all human beings share this need to be recognized, to be respected and honored, to know that we count, to be accepted by others. This is what Maslow captured in his theory of man as being the need for self-actualization. From a spiritual point of view however, it strikes me that all that man really seeks is something that gives us a sense of completion, but we mostly (and foolishly I might add) seek this

completion from our fellow men rather than from the Creator. It would be great if you and I could say unequivocally that once we come to Christ, we are done with the seeking of recognition's and the applause of men, but that would be a lie. The truth is that there is a process of growth and maturity in the Lord that leads us to the point where we know without a shadow of doubt, that all we need is God’s love, God’s approval and God’s applause to make us whole; and even at that point, it is only the grace of the Lord that sustains us.

When we succumb to the striving's of the world we live in – striving to make that promotion; to be selected for that overseas training; to be nominated into that committee; to sing solo for that special church service; to be selected for that specific project; to win that contract… when we strive in our own strength, no matter how glorious the win might be, it tends to leave us with a deep hollowness within. I dare say, the higher the high, the greater the emptiness we subsequently feel. Herein lies the difference when our victories, our selections, our nominations, our recognition's are orchestrated by the Lord Himself. There is a humbling of our spirits that comes from knowing that only God could have worked a certain positioning for you, and along with the humbling is an internal wholesomeness, completeness and sense of peace that no one can take away from you.

Sis, you and I need to be totally submitted to God and allow Him take the wheel in our lives. Truth is that we haven’t gotten to where we are minus Him, and indeed we might have been much farther ahead in life if we hadn’t tried to work so much out in our own effort and reasoning. We are all living epistles of the grace of God in our lives sis. I hope you know this deep in your heart, mind, and spirit.  I would like to ask that you take a few minutes today and think through those things that you desperately seek at this point in your life, and which you believe will earn you the recognition, applause, acceptance, and honor. These are not necessarily things that you seek from a place of pride or a sense of entitlement, and they might not even be ‘big’ things; they will however be you are convinced will bring you fulfillment in some area - desires that are so dear, and thoughts of which practically cause a clutching sensation in your heart.

Bring all those things and lay them at the mercy seat today sis. Give them over to the Lord and ask Him to work with them as He sees fit, in accordance with His purpose for your life. I can promise you that once we hand our deepest desires fully over to Him, He is more than able to bring the right things to pass in our lives and at the right time. He is the one Who is able to lift us out of the dunghills and set us with princes remember? He is the one brings promotion remember? He is the one Who is able to make us objects of distinction, causing kings and nations to come to the rising of our brightness remember? He is the one Who distinguishes us remember? He is the one Who chooses us and Who sets us apart remember?

Sis, there is nothing that is impossible for our God to do for you and I, and no height that He is not able to take us to – irrespective of whatever obstacles the enemy tries to bring our way. How about you and I just rest in this assurance, sis? More than any temporary recognition's, promotions, or adulation's the world has to offer, methinks we should stay focused on ensuring that in the end, it is God and God alone that is saying to us ‘Well done! Great job! I’m so proud of you!’

The Lord will help us rest in His peace sis. He is more than able to distinguish and promote us the His glory and honor of His name. Enough of the struggling sis! As we trust God to lift us up, He will help you sis, and He will help me!

Be blessed sis…  for you surely are!

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About Me

Entrepreneur, Mentor, Wife, Mother, Sister, Friend. A firm believer in God. Walking in faith everyday that by His grace, I will achieve harmony in all areas of my life, and make measurable impact in the lives of other women of the world