Sunday, February 9, 2014


Let’s face it, sis… Life is no bed of roses. It is only within the blissful ignorance of childhood, the deep immaturity of youth, and the abject stupidity of a life lived without Christ, that a person walks the path of assuming that life owes them something.  It is in reaching the place of maturity – spiritual maturity which has nothing to do with age, that a man or woman begins to realize that indeed, it is rather we that owe the world. How is that you ask?

Well, my understanding as a believer in the God Who has given me ‘all things that pertain to life and godliness’, Who ‘knows the end from the beginning’; Who has ‘fashioned me for a purpose’; Who has breathed into me the breath of life and spoken into me a mandate to ‘go ye, be fruitful, subdue, have dominion and prosper’ on the earth….   is that my life is an assignment of purpose - for a variety of seasons, and for a set duration in time; that feeds into a God-ordained outcome in eternity – impacting not just myself, but also a multitude of people and generations I will only be blessed to know at the end of this age. My understanding sis, is that I owe this world… that you owe this world; and guess what sis? We serve a big God and He wants to do really big things through us, therefore you and I owe the world BIG TIME!   

So, I can already see the wheels turning in your head as you try to figure ‘Where on earth is my sister coming from this nice Sunday morning?’ Sis, it’s not so much about where I am coming from, as it is about where you and I are going. Walk with me for a bit, okay.

Do you remember that the word ‘Relentless’ is one of the words the Lord spoke and had me share early this year? It is a call for us to be focused in this year, and to be dogged in carrying out the assignments that the Lord has given and will give to us. Relentless is a call for us not to be casual with the things of the Lord in this year particularly. Relentless is also a title the Lord has given me for my next book (or one of my next books)…. Truthfully, I have not quite figured what the book will be about, but in so far as the Lord has given me the title, I count on Him to walk me through the content and to the glory that will come to Him for the final work.

So here I am, having shared the message on being relentless early in the year, and then finding myself struggling in a major way to be relentless in the assignment that is Uniquely Woman. I have been contending with extremes of too many things going on – each of which is a message in itself, to sitting down at my laptop and then not being able to think up a single line to share on this forum, to extremes of fatigue that make me sigh simply at the thought of sitting at my desk…much less pressing a single key on the laptop. And trust the enemy to try to use this space to do his work. If it hasn't been one thing, it has been another. If it has been ‘no thing’, then he has tried to work his way into my thoughts to convince me that my not being as regular on this forum is no biggie, despite my best intentions to go back to sharing weekly throughout this year. Thoughts directed at convincing me that the season for UW is over and I should give it a rest, etc.

Through all this though, I have continually heard the Lord say to me ‘Be relentless, My child! Stay focused!’ I have continually had Him remind me that I know His voice and I must not heed the voice of any other. This is the confidence with which I have continued to pray and to trust in God Who gave me this assignment in the first place, to strengthen my hands afresh for the work. I have constantly heard Him say ‘Build My Church’ and I have continued to receive clarity that this forum is part of my ‘building’ assignment. I have continued to receive new comments and feedback from new and existing followers of UW that remind me that the assignment is something I owe the world. It is a responsibility entrusted to me, and I am bound to be relentless in following through. I have been reminded over and again of the things the Lord has spoken to and through me, and I have come again to the place of a fresh commitment to walking my mandates through, to ensure that I will truly die empty at the end of my days.

Sis, I have come back refreshed and renewed with a greater understanding that you and I cannot allow the vicissitudes of life take us away from the path. I have come back to the place of commitment to staying the course, regardless. Regardless of how many times I fall away from being able to share with you weekly on this forum, I will keep coming back on that second, third or fourth week. In this regard, I will be relentless. The Bible tells me that the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord. The Bible tells me that even though I may fall seven times, the Lord will lift me up. Sis, falling is not always about sin. Falling is also about not being faithful to your call to minister to others – be it on the pulpit or through other avenues such as this forum, in counseling, in giving, or in some form of service. Falling is also about not being obedient to the things that the Lord has spoken to your heart to do, through which He needs you to impact the people He brings into your space, for His purpose and glory. Falling is also about not trusting God enough and thus walking in fear – of failure, of condemnation, of humiliation, etc and thereby not allowing the gifts He has put in you to come forth and fulfill purpose.

We are on an assignment, sis. Life is not easy because too many of us are not walking in the fullness of our purpose, and the enemy is working hard to keep it that way. That said, those of us who know God and who understand that He has sent us here to do a work for Him, cannot allow life to have the upper hand. We owe the world, sis. We owe the world to be faithful to the course, to be faithful to the things that God has called us to. We owe the world to be relentless in pursuing the actualization of all that God has purposed to do and bring forth through us, in us and with us.

I don’t know what it is that you might be struggling with sis. I don’t know what that one thing, or those many things are that you know are a huge call on your deliverable's to the world. I do know however that there is a great ministry in you. There is a call on your inner man to deliver something to this world and you must deliver, sis. My mandate today is to encourage you and let you know that you are not alone. We all struggle, we all stumble and all sometimes fail. But sis, we MUST NOT GIVE UP! We have to be relentless sis, for nothing else is worthy of the God Who has chosen us, Who has qualified us and Who has declared us fit for His divine purpose.

It’s okay to acknowledge that we are busy, we are sometimes overwhelmed, or that we sometimes just don’t know the ‘how’, or what the next step to take should be. It’s fine sis! What is not fine is to give up and decide that our ‘it’ doesn't matter anymore, because it does sis. Our ‘it’ matters, and we matter! We owe the world our ‘it’ sis and we must be relentless in working to deliver on it.

The Lord Who sees our hearts will help us sis. As we make a fresh commitment today to refocus and to redirect our efforts to those things He has called us to, He is faithful to breathe upon us afresh and to release new virtue unto us. I love the way the Lord never gives up on us, sis. He is always right there, waiting with open arms as we turn back to Him… and in this case, to His assignment. Don’t give up, sis! Keep coming back! Keep on keeping on! Be relentless, sis. It’s not about you or me. It’s about the world, the King, and His Kingdom.

Close your eyes sis. Sssshhhhh! Do you hear it? ‘Well done, My good and faithful servant’. Awwww! So much love sis. Such completion! Such peace! Remarkable joy! Can you imagine it? Do you feel it? Stay focused, sis! Let’s you and I be relentless for Christ. I am confident that in so doing, we will open our eyes to the reality of God’s eternal praise when He calls us in the end. The Lord will help you sis, He will help me.

Be blessed sis… for you surely are!

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About Me

Entrepreneur, Mentor, Wife, Mother, Sister, Friend. A firm believer in God. Walking in faith everyday that by His grace, I will achieve harmony in all areas of my life, and make measurable impact in the lives of other women of the world